Quotes from "Tuesdays With Morrie"

Quotes from "Tuesdays With Morrie"
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Quotes From "The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire"...Last Part

On Emotions:

"Emotions are just recycled energy."

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"Emotions are never created in isolation; they always come about because of some interaction with the eviroment. In the absence of circumstances or relationships, there is no emotion."

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"Each emotion is dependent on the context, circumstances, relationships that defie your reality at that moment."

On Genius :

"This is the nature of genius, to be able to grasp the knowable even when no one else recognizes that it is present."

On Personality :

"Personality gets created through selective identification with situations and through relationships."

On Soul :

"The soul is the observer who interprets and makes choices based on karma; it is also a confluence of relationships, out of which contexts and meaning, and it is this flow of context and meaning that creates experience."

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"Your soul is the part of you that is universal ad individual at the same time, and it is a reflection of all other souls."

On Intention :

"Everything that happens in the universe starts with intentions."

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"All learning, remembering, reasoning, drawing of inferences, and motor activity are preceded by intent. Intent is the very basis of creation."

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"Our destiny ultimately comes from the deepest level of desire and also from the deepest level of intention."

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"When intention is repeated that creates habit. The more an intention is repeated, the more likely it is that the universal consciousness will create the same pattern and manifest the intention i the physical world."

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"Intention orchestrates infinite possibilities."

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"Intent creates coincidences; it is the reason why when you're thinking of something, it happens."

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"We can restore the power of intent through a return to the true self, or self-actualization."

On Good Luck :

"Good luck is opportunity and preparedness coming together."

On Life :

"...life is the ultimate mystery."

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"What makes life mysterious is that our destiny seems hidden from us, and only at the end of our lives will we be in a position to look back and see the path we followed."
--Deepak Chopra


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