Quotes from "Tuesdays With Morrie"

Quotes from "Tuesdays With Morrie"
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Monday, September 17, 2007

Joke: Greedy Godson

A young building contractor had just gone into business, and to give him a good start, his wealthy godfather asked him to build a mansion. "Here are the plans," said the godfather, "and don't skimp on anything. Forget the cost. I want the very best materials used."

The greedy godson wasn't satisfied with this generous gesture and instead of employing top-grade labor and buying the finest materials, he shortchanged his benefactor in every possible way. Finally the last secondhand nail had been driven into the last flimsy wall, and the young man handed over the keys and bills totalling several million pesos to his godfather.

The godfather promptly wrote out a check and handed the keys back to the young builder. "That house yu just built, my boy," he said, "is my present to you. It's all yours. May you live in it in happiness for the rest of your life."

Source: Alfredo M. Tengco (ed.), "Nuggets and Grin Tonics" (Book 1)

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