Quotes from "Tuesdays With Morrie"

Quotes from "Tuesdays With Morrie"
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Trivia: Knowing People

Is it true that people who are the most worth knowing are the hardest to get to know?

Studies at Purdue University found the opposite to be true. The investigation showed that people who are the most difficult to get to know, or who don't like to reveal their true selves to another person, tend to be conflict-ridden, unhappy with themselves, and incapable of a really rewarding relationship with any other human being. They wear a mask, or public self, and they are quick to resent it when any one shows enough interest to probe more deeply to find out what they are really like.

The same studies showed that happy people, who had few conflicts, showed no tendency to hide their real selves behind surface appearances or affectations. They were the same all the way through, liked being known and understood by others, and enjoyed cultivating close relationships with people they were attracted to.

Source: Alfredo M. Tengco (ed.), "Nuggets and Grin Tonics" (Book 1)

(Photo courtesy of www.stockxpert.com)


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